Booking Terms & Conditions
By booking an appointment, you agree to our booking terms and conditions below.
We understand that unexpected events may arise requiring you to cancel or reschedule your appointment. However, when you cancel or change your appointment without giving us enough notice, we lose the opportunity to fill that time we have set aside for you.
A non-refundable deposit is required to secure your booking and will go towards your treatment cost on the day. For consultations, if you don’t have a treatment within 8 weeks of your consultation date, the deposit is used for your consultation fee.
Cancellations and changes made within 48 hours of your appointment time will result in the loss of your deposit. ‘No shows’ will result in an automatic fee of $100 and the loss of your deposit. These fees will need to be paid before your next appointment with us.
If you cancel or reschedule with more than 48 hours notice, your deposit is transferred to a credit on your account to use towards a future appointment. This credit is valid for up to 2 reschedules and must be used within 12 months from the deposit payment date.
Please notify us ASAP if for any reason you are not able to attend your appointment.
Please use your confirmation email to reschedule or cancel your appointment if required. Alternatively, please use our online booking system to manage your appointments and to access your treatment history and any future bookings. You will need to contact us at or phone 027 220 8282 for appointment changes within 48 hours of your appointment time.
We strongly recommend booking in advance for your next appointment before you leave the clinic. This ensures you get your preferred day/time/staff member and that you don’t miss out. Alternatively, please book all of your future appointments using the online booking system. Our schedules are usually booked anywhere from 2-8 weeks ahead, so preplanning is essential.
If you’re booking in for a filler treatment, please ensure you read the filler FAQ to ensure you are prepared and follow the pre and post instructions.
Thank you for your understanding x